Meet Ewan Malcolm
Meet Ewan Malcolm, Chief Executive of Relate London North West, in this wonderful interview about online mediation recorded via Skype. If you push to one side the slightly dodgy resolution in the audio, you'll have the opportunity of listening to the thoughts of a genuine guru and pioneer of mediation in Scotland and beyond. Ewan established the Scottish Mediation Network here before working in New York and England, but still plays a major part in training and accrediting mediators in Scotland. Here he chats about online mediation, something being developed with more emphasis as time goes on and as the technology begins to improve and shape itself around the dreams of its creators, bringing dispute resolution, the chance to resolve differences in a civil, meaningful way, to more people than ever no matter their location or technological know-how. He talks passionately about his part in developing guidelines to make sure those entering into online mediation feel safe and confident, and how he sees this amazing service develop in the next few years.

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