Charlie Irvine
In this #audioCALM interview recorded at the University of Strathclyde Law School, our Scott Docherty talks with Charlie Irvine, former chair of the Scottish Mediation Network, active and innovative mediator, and Senior Teaching Fellow at the university. Charlie talks here about conflict, about the way we approach separation issues and how our brains might get in the way of discussing those issues civilly. He describes the types of things that might be going on psychologically and the mistakes we can make or the cycles we can lock ourselves into when trying to find a solution to the issues we face. More positively, however, Charlie lays out some tips for separating couples and co-parents who find themselves in such conflict. We hope you've been enjoying our interviews with mediators, parenting experts, innovators and thought leaders across the world, and there are plenty more to come. Please remember to SUBSCRIBE for free and don't miss any interviews!

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